Sunday, July 20, 2014

Essential Oils and the Mind-Body Connection

The Connection between our Health & our Thoughts
I've always been intrigued by the mind-body connection which lead me to dive into quantum physics.  The fact that our thoughts and emotions play a major role in our health and wellbeing is fairly new to science and still not even accepted by many physicians. But the facts are there.  Our minds, thoughts and emotions do indeed affect our health and well being, even our finances I do believe!

Chemistry & Quantum Physics
Essential oils can employ both the laws of chemistry and quantum physics at the same time. The chemical part is what makes up the several hundred compounds in one drop of oil. The chemistry of an oil is fixed, it can't be changed.  The quantum part is flexible, it is not fixed.  Our thoughts determine which aspects of the chemistry will work in our bodies - how the particle will play out.  As David Steward says they are "packets of possibilities".   We know that in quantum physics the experimenter is always part of the experiment and that is exactly what happens when you apply, smell and diffuse essential oils!

Mind Over Matter with Oils
Science has discovered that our intention and the decisions we make can determine the action of an oil.  So when you are applying an oil, if you are thinking, this isn't going to work, then guess what, it probably won't work! But if instead you have the intention that it will, with thoughts that are positive and prayerful, the oils will do what they are designed to do.  They know where to go and what your body needs.  Amazing drops! 

Can this Oil do this for Me?
The next time someone asks "What can this essential oil do for me?" there are two answers to the question.
The first answer would be to say the oil contains certain compounds.  There are phenols that are cleansing and detoxifying. There are esters that are emotion releasing.  There are sesquiterpenes that oxygenate the cells and clean out misinformation in cellular memory.  What benefits you receive from this oil may be different than someone else because people have different chemistry.  That would be the chemical answer.

The second answer would be the quantum physics answer.  What do you want it to do for you?  The bottle is only a packet of possibilities. Which possibility manifest for you will depend on your thoughts, desires and beliefs.  So decide what you want it to do. That is the quantum physics answer. 

Human thought and human intent effect electron behavior and the mind-body connection is through the electrons, both by the receiver and the one applying the oils.  So the science of essential oils, as agents of health and healing, involves both physics and chemistry in combination with the human heart and mind. 

Essential Oils - Living Energy! 
Therefore, therapeutic grade essential oils are in a category all their own - above and beyond the simple drugs, antibiotic, and antibacterial agents marketed by physicians and pharmacist.  They work on the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual aspects.  Young Living has a blend called abundance, because we believe they can also affect your finances.  They are God's Living Energy!

See my website to learn more!
YL Tamara Caggiano Website

And please join me on facebook
Facebook YL Healing Oasis Oils

Resources: Dr. David Steward, Chemistry of Essential Oils made simple, Quantum Physics, Essential Oils & The Mind-Body Connection

Sunday, June 29, 2014

The Discovery that Changed My Life

Hello and Welcome to my blog post, my first one in fact!

The unexpected welcome
You know how it is when you are just strolling through life, day in and day out.  Waiting for something to come along, sorta looking and asking the Universe-God, to bring it to you, but you aren't exactly too sure what it is you are looking for?  You don't know what is missing, but you sense there is something out there you are suppose to know, something you have yet to discover, another purpose and meaning, a new path and direction that is headed your way. That is exactly what happen to me when I was introduced to Young Living Essential Oils in the winter of 2014.

          I became a Licensed Massage Therapist in 2006 which began a very fulfilling and satisfying career.  I had been interested in health and healing, the mind/body/spirit connection for a long time. I knew a good deal about alternative therapies and modalities for  healing and restoring balance. I was blessed to have a 'job' in which I looked forward to everyday! Working at a busy successful spa, I sometimes did 6 sessions a day, 5 days a week.  It kept me very busy during season and I enjoyed the slow off summer months. 

It happens from over use
In the spring of 2013, I developed trigger which required many Doctors visits and several cortisone shots. After the 2nd shot my Doctor said that should do it.  But in early 2014 when it returned full force, I had to get a 3rd shot just to get me through season.  It hurt...bad.  My husband told me on numerous occasions, just go have the surgery and take care of it. And my Doctor said the same thing, let's go ahead and schedule your surgery, as they normally only give 1, maybe 2 but rarely 3 shots for this condition.  I asked what the other options were and he said there aren't any! What?  In this big universe there was only one solution to trigger finger?  I told him that I wanted to continue searching (which I had been doing all along, to no avail-only surgery) and he told me, you are wasting your time, it's futile and you are being naive to think there is anything out there, besides surgery, that was going to fix your finger.  

That did not sit well with me!
The last thing I wanted was to be cut open on my main tool for my job, my profession and my body.  I told my Doctor I am going to continue searching and when I find something I would come back and share it with him. 

And then I had one of those moments that I'll always remember.  My niece Victoria and my mom were visiting from Kentucky.  Vic had been using the oils for over a year, has a bloodborne genetic disorder and has been eating organic and all natural all of her life (now 26).  I asked her to show me her oils!  Now as an LMT you would think I was taught about them in school or knew more about them. But the only oils we used were aromatherapy oils. Completely different animal (explained in another blog).  And that's what I thought these were too.  I had seen the little brown bottles at the health food store, and had purchased a few over the years, but really didn't know what to do with them.   I had always wanted to take a course on aromatherapy for CEU's but just never got to it.  

So we sat on our deck and she got out her oils and started to tell me how she used them.  She had an essential oils desk reference that I started to skim through and saw some very intriguing things!  Ummm...this looks really interesting!  I turned to the index at the front and saw...low and behold...trigger finger! WT*! I mean WHAT! LOL Essential oils could treat trigger finger? No way!  I then turned a few more pages and found scleroderma, which is a very rare auto immune disease which my husband has, and it was listed too!  OMGosh!!! My jaw dropped opened as it slowly began to sink in, just exactly what these oils were and their properties and potential for restoring balance and harmony to the body.

Oh my goodness! 
Where had I been all these years to have missed these?  Why had I not heard or seen them before? True I had seen them at the health food store, even had a bottle or two collecting dust, but I never knew what they were or how to use them. And those weren't true therapeutic grade oils either.  So I had Vic order me the everyday essential oils kit and lemongrass so I could become friends with them, start to use them and see if they really did work.  Yes I was skeptical. It was just too good to be true  And I ordered the Essentials Oils Desk Reference! I began using them and found many uses, everyday for the oils.  From toothpaste, night serum, mouth wash, sinus rinse, breath freshening, to burns, cuts, aches, pains, headaches, a good night sleep, the list is goes on and, purifying air (I can't stop! LOL) 

I started taking the lemongrass internally (YLEO's ONLY) for several weeks and applying it to my trigger finger. I can report that today, four months later, it is completely 100% healed.  It did take several months, but the pain went away right away (panaway rocks!).  A 2nd degree burn on my arm, which was the size of a half dollar coin, is completely healed with no scar (thank you Lavender!)

Young Living Essential Oils are part of my life, everyday, from morning till night.  Precious drops of gold, the missing link and a quantum leap for our health and well being.

It's now my ministry to share these amazing drops of gold with you, your friends, family, neighbors, anyone and everyone who wants to learn.  I'm finding out that most people have never heard of them, but the tide is changing, people are talking, they are taking back their health and essential oils are playing a major part in the tidal wave.   

Email me to receive a free report on some
of the many uses of Young Living Essential Oils.  

Be sure to mention this blog post! 
Thanks for joining me!  Tamara Caggiano